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[peɪʤ] n
gen. stranica; list
comp., MS stranica (In virtual memory systems, a unit of data storage that is brought into random access memory (RAM), typically from a hard drive, when a requested item of data is not already in RAM); poslati preko pejdžera (To send a message to someone at a remote location, usually via a beeper)
construct. drveni klin (za podgrađivanje)
econ. časopis koji izlazi periodično
fig. delo; knjiga
IT strana; tekst i elementi na displeju tokom obrade teksta
law tekst; vratar
photo. prelomiti (stranu)
tech. straničiti
tel. selektivni poziv
pages n
oil stranice
stranica page [peɪʤ] n
econ. strana
Pages n
polygr. strane
page [peɪʤ] v
gen. služiti kao paž; zvati preko sluge; pozvati preko sluge; zvati preko razglasa; pozvati preko razglasa; označiti stranice brojevima; prelomiti; napraviti prelom; složiti i prelomiti knjigu; listati
econ. obeležiti stranice
page [peɪʤ] adj.
law sudski činovnik
 English thesaurus
page [peɪʤ] abbr.
abbr. p; pg
law, abbr. p.
PAGE [peɪʤ] abbr.
abbr., avia. programmable aircraft ground equipment
abbr., chem., scient. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
abbr., ed. Professional Association of Georgia Educators
abbr., el. preview and graphic editing
abbr., file.ext. Package Cram Executive
abbr., genet. Parametric Analysis of Gene set Enrichment (bigmaxus)
abbr., immunol. polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
abbr., phys., scient. PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
abbr., post Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation PAGE Program (new to DMM in March 2002)
abbr., scottish Portable Air defense Ground Equipment; Programmable Aerospace Ground Equipment
mil. preliminary automated ground environment
Nasdaq Paging Network, Inc.
pages abbr.
abbr. p. (Vosoni); p.p. (Vosoni)
abbr., automat. pp
PAGES abbr.
abbr. Plymouth Advocacy Gaining Empowerment And Support
ocean., nautic., scient. Past Global Changes
: 322 phrases in 10 subjects
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